Reflections on the Voice: During and After the Campaign by Professor Andrew Gunstone

  • $22.00

Professor Andrew Gunstone’s Reflections on the Voice: During and After the Campaign is the first book to explore the 2023 First Nations Voice to Parliament Referendum and its aftermath, and the implications for our ongoing national journey of reconciliation.

The book, written for a general audience, explores key areas, such as: performative reconciliation, racism, Indigenous rights, ‘equality’, truth-telling, community engagements, international agreements, such as UNDRIP, allyship, RAPs, and recommitting to Voice, Treaty, and Truth.

Professor Andrew Gunstone is a leading international authority in reconciliation. He is Associate Deputy Vice-Chancellor Reconciliation and Professor Indigenous Studies at Federation University, where he leads the National Centre for Reconciliation, Truth, and Justice, which he established in February 2023.

He is also Co-Chair of Reconciliation Victoria, Foundation Editor of the Journal of Australian Indigenous Issues, and sits on several national and regional reconciliation committees. He regularly provides advice on reconciliation to corporates, industry, community, governments, and academia.

All proceeds from these sales go towards funding an Indigenous PhD scholarship on Truth-telling.

“This collection of writings from Professor Andrew Gunstone, who has been passionately engaged in reconciliation for many years, is commendable and timely after the defeat of the Referendum of 2023”. Dr Jackie Huggins AM FAHA, national reconciliation leader for over four decades 

“Professor Gunstone's book is the first to thoroughly examine the referendum and its aftermath, delving into its impact on national reconciliation efforts”. National Indigenous Times

“Professor Gunstone’s book affords all Australians an important stimulus for their own reflections and to gain a greater understanding of one of this country’s most socially and politically divisive campaigns”. Uncle Charles Pakana, Founder and Editor Victorian Aboriginal News

“Reflections on the Voice … examines the devastating result, drawing on Andrew's extensive research into and engagement with Australia’s attitudes to racism and reconciliation”. Bass Coast South Gippsland Reconciliation Group

“This is an important read which helps chart the journey of the Voice Referendum and offers valuable insights into the reconciliation landscape, where we’ve been and where we might look to head”. Surf Coast for Reconciliation Group

Professor Gunstone “sees limits in ‘performative reconciliation’ … and he believes reconciliation has become a civic ideal without promoting ‘substantive reconciliation’”. Emeritus Professor Tim Rowse, Western Sydney University